Chemical Physics Preprint Database
"Brown University and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) provide
the Chemical Physics Preprint Database. This database is intended to
provide a means for rapid and efficient preprint distribution within the
international chemical physics community. Designed to be useful for
education and research purposes, it allows users to retrieve and submit
research papers electronically via the Internet, which is possible
through email, anonymous FTP, and WWW servers. The abstracts can be
viewed in HTML format, while the full-text articles are available in .ps
format. The database is searchable by subject, abstract, year, title, and
author. Research papers submitted since 1994 are
Industrie-Job Stellenangebote und -gesuche, Karriere- und Bewerbungstipps, Weiterbildung u.a.
Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive (mp_arc)
"The University of Texas-Austin's Mathematics Department houses
this excellent Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive. With abstracts and
papers organized by year (1991-present), this free service lets users
deposit papers in an electronic format over the Web or by email. Users
may also access papers (by email, FTP, Gopher, wais, HTTP). In addition,
the service supplies weekly updates. This site offers a substantial
archive for those interested in mathematical physics."
A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis
"Researchers dealing with time series data will find this powerful
resource extremely helpful. Drs. Christopher Torrence (National Center
for Atmospheric Research) and Gilbert Compo (NOAA/ CIRES Climate
Diagnostics Center) have put together this Website for researchers
interested in using wavelet analysis, a technique that decomposes a time
series into time-frequency space. The site provides information on both
the amplitude of any periodic signals within the series, and how this
amplitude varies with time. The nicely written introductory section
(Wavelet Analysis & Monte Carlo) is complete with algorithms,
graphically illustrated examples, and references (including some links).
First time users may wish to consult the on-site article 'A Practical
Guide to Wavelet Analysis', originally published in 1998 (.pdf
format), or browse the FAQ section. The heart of the site is the
Interactive Wavelet Plots section; here, users may experiment with
wavelet analysis using time series data provided at the site (i.e., Sea
Surface Temperature, Sunspots) or provided by the user. As if that
weren't enough, the site also offers free Wavelet software (Fortran,
IDL, or Matlab; acknowledgment required) and several abbreviated data
sets for experimentation."
UMI Dissertation Abstracts
"... is an online search interface offering access to the most
recent three months of the Dissertation Abstracts
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